With the launch of two new products in the BURST toothbrush line, and with deals for those products to be featured on Walmart, CVS, and McCauley shelves in Q4 of 2023, I was tasked with updating the packaging from the previous brush styles to be more modern and clean, while highlighting the two new products in all their glory. This packaging update also dictated the direction for future packaging in retail spaces, like the BURST Expanding Floss update.
Below are renders of the BURST Pro Sonic Toothbrush, BURST Curve Sonic Toothbrush, and Expanding Floss design by me and currently on many retail shelves.

Below are more BURST product packaging that are still in the concept phase, but for products that either were never produced or are still in progress.
BURST Toothpaste expansion, BURSTkids x CoComelon learner brush product design and concept packaging.